An Escape

This last week we packed up and headed over to California and by ‘we’ I mean my parents, sister, her husband and their 3 little lovelies.

It was a needed escape for sure and we had a blast. It was non stop fun, temper tantrums, naps, and giggling. I played ‘where is baby’ I don’t know how many times with N and watched a hermit crab with M and did A’s hair only to have it undone multiple times. It is memories like these that I never want to forget.

I want to remember how M burst out laughing at A’s temper tantrum and stated how funny it was (I wonder when he will realize he does the same thing).

I want to remember how N lights up when you smile him and will talk your ear off if you ignore him.

I want to remember how A dances whenever she hears music and those eyes she gives to uncle when she is not happy with him.

I want to remember how sweet my husband is when he lays on the floor to play with N. And how he sings to country songs he loves on a long road trip. And how patient he is even when he completely disagrees with you.

I want to remember how brave my sister and brother in law are for taking their babies on a week long vacation and sharing a room with them.

I want to remember how caring my parents are for putting up with a house full of craziness when you know all they wanted to do was relax.

I will remember it all, mainly because I have some great pics to remind me 🙂


A and I at La Jolla…she was not happy that uncle was taking her picture 🙂


M was my little beach buddy and loved to dig in the wet sand


A and Aneurin looking at the ocean and all the birds at La Jolla


M at Kono’s with his Sea World pennies Uncle made him the day before. That kid loves his monies 🙂


A and her paci at Kono’s. Her hair was done, I swear 🙂


A and Aneurin at a show in Sea World. They were dancing to the music.

As we get back to normal life and begin to look for a new job for Aneurin it’s nice to look back and remember that nice escape we had in Cali. I hope we can do it again next year but maybe with a few new family additions 🙂

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