Monthly Archives: July 2013

Gratitude and A Graduation

First off I suck at this whole blogging thing. I start each week with the intention to blog and for the last 5 weeks I have failed. For whatever reason I avoid my feelings and that needs to end now. I want to use this blog as a way to remember life so even if it is just a picture I WILL post once a week.

Ok moving on…

Gratitude…thankfulness…appreciation…gratefulness…These are all words I am dwelling on. I am trying to see the good, talk about the good, rejoice over the good, and pray over the good. I am not ignoring the bad but the way I see it is that this is the only way to battle my lack of contentment. My brain has to relearn how to think. So without putting them in any particular order here is a list of things I am grateful for right now:

Husband, clean water, music, electronics, my family (including my precious little loves), my best friends and our IHOP waiter (yes we have a waiter at IHOP), my co worker who always saves the maple donuts for me, co workers who have years of experience in life and loads of wisdom, design, Thursday dinner at mom and dads, my parents back yard, a car with air conditioning, air conditioning in general, and my health.

Now that I have those wonderful things listed, I want to say how proud I am of my hunk of a husband. This past Friday, Aneurin graduated from MMI. He is an official mechanic and he is all mine. We got to spend the weekend celebrating his accomplishment and I think it will be one of my favorite weekends we have together. But seriously I can’t stress how blessed I am to have such a hardworking, loving, and funny man. He is pretty much my favorite person and I love seeing him succeed.

Since I am so bad at keeping my photos on my phone (I am a clean freak), I deleted them before I could share so I took a screen shot of my instragram to share with you.

The pics are self explanatory, but we got tattoos of our anniversary as a graduation present and went to Sedona for the day. *sidenote* my husband is now addicted and has plans for future tattoos…I’m scared.
