Life…It Happens

WOW…3+ weeks since I have posted. Sorry about that. My only excuse is life. I tend to fill my life with projects, friends and family, work (boo), my husband, and rest. Take a 35+ hour work week, with 2+ projects, 8+ hours with family, 6+ with friends, and whatever is left with my husband and life just seems to pass me by. I am trying very hard to enjoy this season of my life but  being content in this time is proving to be one of the most difficult assignments. I want this time to fly by but I know I will miss this more than anything. I will miss lazy nights with my husband and girls nights and poolside mornings and working on house projects whenever I choose. I will miss this and yet I am wishing it gone. I am wishing I had a baby. I am wishing to make my husband a father. I am wishing I was at home more that 4 hours a day. I am wishing I could do all the house chores instead of dividing them between the two of us.

My struggle is that I just can’t seem to enjoy this beautiful life I have right now. In fact I am having a hard time writing posts about my days when I wish my days were different.

With all that said I am making a change. I am living each day on its own. I won’t let life just happen. I am going to enjoy and create joy. I have chosen to cut out shopping, my past-time when I am dissatisfied with life. When I start to loose my contentment I will be still. I will let the Lord move in the quietness of my life and embrace the calm. I will only start projects when I am satisfied with the current state of my house. I will only add positive moments to my life, not temporary fixes. I am learning to let go of my control and let the Lord lead. He wants me in this moment of time for a reason and I have been missing it. It is my fault I am not satisfied and that ends now.

I will live in this beautiful moment and go a step further to rejoice in it. Even if it takes everything in me and I have to start over every other minute; I will refocus and rejoice.

Thank you Lord for opening my heart and for forcing me to live in the now. I will be still.


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