Picture Dump and a Side Note

Thank the Lord for May. Its a slower month at work, my mom and hubby’s birthday month, and there is a day off work at the very end! Oh and I get to see Taylor Swift in concert again with my best friend…yeah  I am not going to complain about May 😉

Here are a few of the happenings so far in May.

Aneurin and I made a date out of an Ikea run. I love this man and his willingness to help me shop 🙂


We started our Laundry room make over. Its actually almost complete just need to add the last shelf and hang the art.


I am planning on painting our master a dark blue/gray color. So I spent the afternoon testing out paint colors. Still haven’t decided…


We took a break from all the craziness surrounding us (my parents move and our house projects) and had a date night. It was very much needed and this guy is always fun to look at 🙂


N turned a month old! I seriously can’t believe how fast time is going these days. I love this little guy and his easy going spirit. He is such a fun addition to our family.

Can’t wait to share all the upcoming events in May…this month is going to be a great one!!

On a side note… I wanted to share my emotions this Mother’s Day.

Wow, its hard.

I am so blessed to have an incredible mother to celebrate and dote upon, however, this year is different than all the rest. Its another year not being a mother myself and the miscarriage has completely shattered this day. I am looking forward to focusing on my mother and sister but today is when Aneurin and I were hoping to share the good news with our families. It would have been the perfect gift for my mom and instead I am here feeling sad for myself. I know these feelings will go away as the day progresses but its hard not thinking about what could have been.

Those emotions stink and I know it. I am working on it and praying for a spirit of faithfulness. I may need a few more emotional posts but I will get there.

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